Thursday, July 22, 2004

Pissed Off (Part 2)

Went out for a later lunch - not really lunch more like a high tea with two colleagues.  Felt better after food in the tummy.  As for the issue of being wrongly accused.  Maybe we just have to look things from another angle or even no angle at all.  Simply bochup might be the best way to evade all those sickening problems.  But then again these few days some people around me are really getting on my nerves with their unreasonable tantrums.  Sigh!!  Would be just assuming that it is again the "time of the month".  In fact having to look at this issue now, I feel that some of the colleagues are really abit uptight when we talked about things happening in school.  It is not as though we are revealing alot of intimate details just some trival stuff to get the girls interested in the lessons, to break the monotony of things.  But then again I realise some teachers just lost the zest and the spirit to see things in the positive light.  I would be fine if I was used as an example if no harm is done.  I seriously wondered why are they so Like Dat??  Maybe if they let things go a little, life might just be alittle bit happy.

Just glad that I need not have to be in school tomorrow.  Will be getting a well deserved tan at the Choa Chu Kang Stadium.  Watching "I Robot" tomorrow.  Will try to post a review of the movie tomorrow night.


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