Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The One with the TLLM

I attended a IT class on how to do podcasting and was fiddling with it with a colleague during the computer lab.

This is my first attempt at podcasting. So the quality is really bad. Do give your comments.


PS the issue may be a bit controversial and I have to acknowledge that I drew some inspiration from a fellow teacher blogger's blog entry ( This blogger had gotten quite a lot of flak recently and I shan't add fuel to the fire). Contrary to what people may feel, I put this up not to whinge about the things I am doing but rather as a form of trying out a new way of expression. As such I am just experimenting with the topic.

If of course the content is too rauchy or too controversial to your liking... Well.......

1 comment:

Jelis said...

Hahahaaaaaa... Indeed. The JC students are feeling it too, rest assured. They force us to take on an extra subject with the contrasting subject criteria, which definitely does not fit with "teach less". We don't necessarily learn more either, since a lot of people wind up taking that one subject simply because they are forced to by the available combinations, or just for the sake of having one. Some downright hate the subject. Not exactly condusive for learning.
(granted, they do make some small cuts here and there, but that doesn't exactly help. one cannot just cut out chunks of history like that, because then there's no link and diminished understanding of the bits one DOES have to study *mutters disgruntledly*)